Fábrica de corpos

video art (2018)

About the work
Fábrica de corpos is a video art work created by Coletivo Beira (originated from Brecha) during a period of a self-managed residency in the engine room of a hotel in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. For a few months, the group investigated human and non-human materialities in the space they occupied and developed a visual narrative that deals with the interaction between the different bodies (of meat, metal) that inhabited this unique environment.

Bruno Mello
Carolina Muait
Tiago Ribeiro
Zeza Barral
Joana Kannenberg
Gabriel Abreu
Juliana Mansur
Luisa Bruno
Luna Gamp​

“Fábrica de Corpos”
video 14’23” color
Coletivo Beira
– 2018